Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Draft CWPP and Public Survey are ready for Public Input!


We are pleased to announce the release of the preliminary draft of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan of San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties. This CWPP attempts to identify wildfire hazards in our region and provide strategies to mitigate risk and restore healthier, more resilient ecosystems. It is also a tool for the accrual of grant funding to aid in the implementation of local wildfire prevention projects. It includes feedback solicited over the course of multiple meetings with diverse stakeholders, including local fire professionals, residents, agency and organizational staff, private businesses, large landowners and other members of the community.

For the next thirty days, we invite broad public feedback on the current draft, available for download at San Mateo County RCD's website or at RCD of Santa Cruz County's website. Comments will be accepted on this draft until 5pm on Friday, March 19, 2010, after which CAL FIRE will integrate comments into a final draft for release no later than March 31, 2010. Please direct all comments to this email address (

Please also consider completing a 15-minute online survey to help us better assess local values and concerns about wildfire hazards and risks. You may complete the survey by March 19, 2010 at 5pm, at the following link: Click here to take survey

We thank you in advance for your attention to this important effort toward wildfire prevention in your community.